Creative writing let students explore how to find inspiration and lively engage with writing. Students will learn key elements of fiction writing: short story writing and art of writing novels. Students learn how to practice to write as a writer, edit and how to approach their own work.
The course assists students in developing a structural style, characterization, developing dialogue, point of view and narrative voice in their writing. Students also learn how to develop, sustain and end a story.
Students who pursue a course in Creative Writing can find employment in the creative industries, publishing, journalism, public relations, business communications, information technology, market research, community work, literary agent, librarianship, teaching and creative entrepreneurship.
Pursuing a Creative Writing course will boost up your confidence, will give you access to a network of publishers, professional theatres and bring success.
These are some famous universities where you can pursue creative writing course: full time in the UK.
UAE: University of East Anglia
MA Biography and Creative Non-Fiction
MFA Creative Writing
MA Creative Writing
MA Creative Writing Scriptwriting
MA Theatre Directing: Text and Production
University of Warwick
MA in Creative and Media Enterprises
King's College, London
MA Cultural and Creative Industries
University of Surrey
MA Creative Writing
MA Creative Practices and Direction
Newcastle University
MA Writing Poetry
MA Arts, Business and Creativity
MSc Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship
*Newcastle University is offering only six scholarships for master’s programme worth £12000 on accepted offer of a place for 2015-16 entry. Contact our advisers today to know more and begin your application to study in the UK today!