Getting an offer from a UK university is always exciting. However, maybe you need to check your offer letter carefully because there might be a few more steps before you successfully enter the university.
There are two types of university offers, unconditional offers and conditional offers.
What shall I do when I get an Unconditional Offer
Congratulations if you acquire an unconditional offer at an early stage. This means that you have already met all the requirements and held a place at this university. Read it carefully before accepting or refusing it. You may:
- compare the university with other universities that you've applied to before making you final decision
- reply to this offer, either accepting it or refusing it
- postpone your plan to go to the university because for various reasons (you may postpone the entry for a year)
What shall I do if I have a Conditional Offer
Check the conditions carefully, they might be:
- a 2:1 or 2:2 degree
- a reference letter
- passing one or more specific courses or modules
- a higher IELTS score
- a GMAT/GRE result
- paying the deposit before the deadline
- successfully graduating from your current course
- that you are advised to take another degree which requires differently from the degree that you've applied for
To fulfil the conditions you need to submit your official documentary proof to the university before the deadline listed in the offer letter.
What if I haven't met all the requirements but the deadline is just around the corner?
You may accept the offer if there's no deposit required from the university (such as the University of York), so you can have a bit more time to improve your grades and provide other documents.
You can also apply for the pre-sessional courses which will help you learn the necessary language and study skills.
If you think that you have already met all the requirements but you still receive a conditional offer, you might want to try to request the university to waive/change the conditions.
Once you have accepted your offer, you can start preparing your student visa application, applying for a scholarship or even thinking about what you should bring to the UK with you!