UK Universities top student satisfaction ranking for undergrad study. UK’s International Undergraduate Students, The UK’s Competitive Advantage, released findings from a new report, authored by Will Archer of I-graduate for the IU.
New research from the UK HE’s International Unit has announced good news for the UK Universities. Even though the policy settings are widely cumbersome, the satisfaction rate of international students pursuing undergrad is higher than its overall competitor countries.
Out of 130,000 International Undergraduate students enrolled and studying in the UK in 2013-14, around 75% students were from Asia, 11% students were from Africa, 9% students were from the Middle East and North America and 1% students were from Latin America.
International Undergraduate student satisfaction with UK higher Education was measured at 91%. Now, satisfaction has increased, in every area of the learning experience.
Vivienne Stern, UK HE International Unit Director said, “Our universities work hard to continuously improve the student experience.” However, she added that “Other countries are increasing efforts to attract international students and enjoying faster growth. The UK must jointly capitalise on its obvious strengths in order to drive sustained growth for this critical component of the UK’s higher education system and its broader economy.”
These results are based on international student experience data, derived from i-graduate’s International Student Barometer (ISB), supported by statistics about International Student recruitment and enrolment in the UK, as well as high-level analysis of other major destinations government policies on recruitment, support and post-study employment.
The Vice-Chancellor of the University of Exeter, Professor Sir Steve Smith said, “Reputation matters, but what matters most is how our International students rate us. This survey gives a definitive answer to that question.”
The number of international Undergraduate students in the UK, is lower than most of its rivals, as compared to the number of total international students. With 50% of International students studying at Undergraduate level, the US is broadly similar with a 51%
This graph-report discusses low reliance of UK students on part-time work of UG students in the UK.
The notable difference between UK and US provision is that most UK undergraduate honour degrees take three years. However, in US, Canada and Australia, an undergraduate honours degree course takes four years to complete. This means that UK recruits more graduate students and students studying in the UK get faster access to the labour markets.
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