Merit scholarships of £500 and £1000 for outstanding academic achievements
Total scholarship value is capped at £3500 for January 2015.

Merit scholarships of £500 and £1000 for outstanding academic achievements
Total scholarship value is capped at £3500 for January 2015.
55.87, -4.25

立校时间: 1875
格拉斯哥喀里多尼亚大学在英国现代大学中位列前10,并且该校也被认为是英国最具活力和有革新精神的大学之一。本科: NA
研究生: Students want to apply taught Master's programmes normally require a Second Class UK honours degree, or its foreign equivalent.
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电子邮件: http://www.gcu.ac.uk/study/internationalstudents/yourcountry/
电话: 44 (0) 141 331 8630