Boarding Schools

Top mixed boarding schools by A Levels

These positions are compiled from the % of A + B grades scored at A levels. 


Top girls boarding schools by A Levels

These positions are compiled from the % of A + B grades scored at A levels.


Top boys boarding schools by A-Levels

These positions are compiled from the % of A + B grades scored at A levels.


The new head master of Eton College; my old teacher

The new head master of Eton College; my old teacher

Earlier last year, I was pleased to learn that my former GCSE History teacher, Simon Henderson, is to take on the role of leading Eton as its new head master. 


Highbury College – An Exceptional A-LEVEL School for International Students

Highbury College is one of the largest General Further Education (GFE) colleges in the UK and located in the maritime city of Portsmouth. Here we look at all that this educational institution offers for international study.



A peak at A-level results and UK independent schools

Last month, students students across the UK collected their A-level results and found out if all their hard work paid-off. Here are some of the main stories related to the recently published results.


Top UK 100 boarding schools by A-levels results

Check out the newest top 100 boarding school ranking tables here to find out which this year's top ten UK boarding schools are!
