The University of St Andrews, founded in 1413, is the third oldest university in the English-speaking world. The QS world ranking for Philosophy is 14 and the Arts and Humanities faculty is ranked at 67. St Andrews offers the students an excellent academic experience and an opportunity to participate in the groundbreaking research.
St Andrews is the amazing place to study and live. Based on the east coast of Scotland, the city is full of historic buildings, which are juxtaposed against modern facilities.
Student life at the University of St Andrews is a unique experience. The place offers students numerous student traditions and various student clubs, societies and volunteering activities.
The traditions:
The university of St Andrews is a 600-year old institution. Taking part in traditions will make your experience exclusive. There are many traditions. Some of them are enlisted here:
Red academic gown:
This is gown is usually worn on formal occasions. If you like, you can wear it all the time.
Academic families:
St Andrews is home to a huge number of academic families. The University offers a spontaneous tradition where an older student adopts freshman year student as their ‘children’ and guides and mentors them throughout.
Raisin Weekend:
As the mentoring culminates, the freshman students are encouraged to play pranks and games with the older students. Often students are inspired to dress in embarrassing costumes and participate in enormous shave foam fight.
May Dip:
This is another of famous tradition. Students generally plunge themselves in the North Sea, at the dawn on the first of May, to promote good luck in Exams.
Undergraduate Students:
After the final undergraduate exam, the students will reunite with their friends, to shower them with cold water, at the location of their exam.
The Career Centre:
The University has a career service scheme, which enables current students and graduates of St Andrews to make the right choice ahead. The centre encourages students to identify the available options and guides them towards bright future.