· Chevening Scholarship Scheme
· Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Scheme (CSSS) (formerly DFID)
· Tullow Group Scholarship Scheme (for applicants from Africa)
· Big Data Analytics Scholarship South East Asia (for applicants from South East Asia)
· Indonesian-UK DIKTI Scholarship Programme (for applicants from South East Asia)

· Chevening Scholarship Scheme
· Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Scheme (CSSS) (formerly DFID)
· Tullow Group Scholarship Scheme (for applicants from Africa)
· Big Data Analytics Scholarship South East Asia (for applicants from South East Asia)
53.38, -1.47
立校时间: 1843
谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学是英国第三大的大学,它位于英格兰约克郡南部。该校有8个学科位于全英前20.本科: Students should meet UCAS points requirements for their chosen course. Some courses may require points from a certain subjects. A-level, International Baccalaureate Diploma and other pathway courses such as foundation programmes or International qualifications equivalent to the above.
研究生: The following qualifications will be considered for entry on to postgraduate taught programmes: · A first degree or professional qualification recognised as being equivalent to degree standard. · An HND or higher education diploma with substantial work experience in an appropriate field. · Successful completion of a recognised pre-Masters course *Please note that entry requirements vary on the course-to-course basis. More information can be obtained from UKuni.