· 50% Final Year Undergraduate Continuation Scholarship
· UEA Alumni 10% Scholarship
· School of International Development Excellence Awards for International Students
· Lord Walston Scholarship
· Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Scheme

· 50% Final Year Undergraduate Continuation Scholarship
· UEA Alumni 10% Scholarship
· School of International Development Excellence Awards for International Students
· Lord Walston Scholarship
· Commonwealth Shared Scholarship...
52.62, 1.24
立校时间: 1963
东英吉利大学是英国首批的研究和教学型大学之一。该校成立于1963年,并在其发展过程中逐渐成为一所学术成就卓越的高校。本科: Students have at least a grade C in GCSE Mathematics and English or a recognised equivalent (although please note that in exceptional cases the above may be waived). Some particular requirements must be satisfied the for certain degree programme (i.e. specified grades in acceptable qualifications).
研究生: Students either at least a 2:1 in a UK undergraduate degree, or a Master's degree, or equivalent. Some Schools and research degree programmes have higher or more specific requirements. *Please note that entry requirements vary on the course-to-course basis. More information can be obtained from UKuni consultants.