Studying in a UK university can be challenging. With an enormous amount of classes, seminars, lecture tutorials and exams life can be harsh and lonely. You may find yourself away from the community, friends and social groups. These feelings can overwhelm you and your struggle in making new friends.
However, if you join a club, the process of making friends is not something that difficult. Below are enlisted the reasons why you should join a community/society in a college.
You can get exposed more!
Joining a club or a society will enable you to connect to a peer group who shares similar interests as you. You will get an insight into other countries culture, values, thinking process and views. The connections that you make here can also possibly lead to life-long relationships.
It enriches your life as a student.
Being a part of a club or a society helps you to gain knowledge, skills and experience in leadership, communication, problem-solving, group development and management, finance, presentation and public speaking. You will feel the change in yourself.
You'll grow faster than you think.
You will undoubtedly learn new skills. In a diverse group, you will be able to experience personal growth. You will be able to discover your passion, your skills and experiment with areas of expertise
It's the best way to meet people.
Being an active member of society solves your biggest issue in the UK and the issue of finding people and networking. With all the packed schedule, the benefit of being a member of a community allows you to learn something along with bonding with people and have fun.
The experience will make your CV more interesting.
And of course, it is a great experience to put on your CV. After your graduation, when you apply for jobs, you will stand out amongst your peers. Your academic scores won't stand out alone. You need extra-curricular to decorate your CV.
It's one of the best ways to travel.
From cultural galas to volunteer trip, you never know what experiences are waiting for you on the other side of the road. The more you participate, the more experience you will gain. Being part of a community provides you with that.
It provides you with a great opportunity to network.
This can be an amazing platform to meet potential employers. You will be able to participate in all of the networking events. These connections will be invaluable for you in the near future.
Go ahead. Join some clubs. Make some memories. It's your year and your time.