Loughborough campus: all Academic Schools / departments (except Sport and Design School) offer 25% scholarship for international students who achieve a first class degree or overseas equivalent
Students with exceptional school or college grades (or predicted grades) may be offered this award on the basis of their initial application and will be advised of this with their offer of a place.
London campus: 20% Excellence scholarship for international students who obtain a high 2.1 or overseas equivalent

Loughborough campus: all Academic Schools / departments (except Sport and Design School) offer 25% scholarship for international students who achieve a first class degree or overseas equivalent
Students with exceptional school or college grades (or predicted grades) may be offered this award on the basis of their initial application and will be advised of this with their offer of a place.
London campus: 20% Excellence scholarship for...
52.77, -1.22

立校时间: 1966
拉夫堡大学是英国一流大学之一,其排名稳居全英前20。该校在工程学和体育运动方面课程闻名遐迩。本科: A grade C in GCSE English Language and Mathematics or an equivalent level in an alternative UK qualification. A higher level of achievement may be required for some courses. Details of any additional GCSE requirements are included in the relevant course entry requirements.
研究生: Loughborough University recognises a wide range of first degrees from the UK, Republic of Ireland and universities around the world. For some programmes Loughborough University-approved academic requirements for corporate membership of a British chartered professional institution are also acceptable. Please check the programme in which you are interested in for any specific entry qualifications.