International Excellence Scholarships
Santander International Excellence Scholarships
American Foundation Scholarships
GREAT/Royal Holloway Scholarships - India
Said Foundation Scholarships

International Excellence Scholarships
Santander International Excellence Scholarships
American Foundation Scholarships
GREAT/Royal Holloway Scholarships - India
Said Foundation Scholarships
51.43, -0.56
立校时间: 1886
伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院不仅是一所公立研究型大学也是伦敦大学联盟的成员之一。该校拥有18个学院和来自超过100个国家的9000名本科生和研究生。本科: UCAS tariffWe usually make conditional offers in UCAS tariff points. For some courses you may need to include points from certain subjects in your tariff points score.More tariff information on the UCAS website
研究生: Students want to apply taught Master's programmes normally require a Upper Second Class UK honours degree, or its foreign equivalent.