International Science and Engineering Excellence Awards
QMUL Global Health International Scholarship
School of Economics and Finance Undergraduate scholarships
International Science and Engineering Undergraduate Excellence Awards
International Mathematical Sciences Excellence Awards
International Science and Engineering Undergraduate Excellence Awards

International Science and Engineering Excellence Awards
QMUL Global Health International Scholarship
School of Economics and Finance Undergraduate scholarships
International Science and Engineering Undergraduate Excellence Awards
International Mathematical Sciences Excellence Awards
International Science and Engineering Undergraduate...
51.52, -0.04
立校时间: 1915
伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院是伦敦大学联盟的成员之一,其前身是1785年建立的伦敦医学学院。本科: NA
研究生: Students want to apply taught Master's programmes normally require a Upper Second Class UK honours degree, or its foreign equivalent.