Inlaks Foundation Scholarship
Petroleum Technology Development Fund Nigeria
BG Tanzania International Postgraduate Scholarship Scheme for Geoscience and Engineering
Fulbright-Imperial College London Award
Shell Petroleum Development Company Niger Delta PG Scholarships

Inlaks Foundation Scholarship
Petroleum Technology Development Fund Nigeria
BG Tanzania International Postgraduate Scholarship Scheme for Geoscience and Engineering
Fulbright-Imperial College London Award
Shell Petroleum Development Company Niger Delta PG Scholarships
51.5, -0.17
立校时间: 1907
伦敦帝国理工学院全称帝国科学、工程及医学院(Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine),是一所位于英国伦敦的公立研究型大学。学院本为伦敦大学联邦中的一员,后在2007年7月9日其百周年纪念日正式宣布独立,并由数个机构合并而成:圣玛丽医院医学院(1988年)、国家心肺研究中心(1995年)及查林与威斯敏斯特医学院(1997年)。其商学院后于2003年成立。 帝国学院专注于医学、理工、商学的教研,并为全英最难入读的学府之一。该校校友包括众多曾在有关领域作出巨大贡献的科学家及数名政治家,截止2018年10月,伦敦帝国学院的校友、教授及研究人员中,共有20位诺贝尔奖得主、3位菲尔兹奖得主、1位图灵奖得主。本科: Imperial is amongst the most selective universities in the UK. The overall acceptance rate to degree programmes has consistently been below 20% and, in 2009, the acceptance rate for postgraduates was 19.5% and 15.3% for undergraduates. Along with University College London and the University of Cambridge, Imperial was one of the first universities in the UK to make use of the A* grade at A Level for admissions, with engineering and physics courses requiring an A* in Mathematics. Imperial announced in 2008 that it was exploring the possibility of entrance exams to help it select the most suitable students. Since then, Imperial has been reviewing and piloting a range of assessment approaches, such as subject-specific tests, skill tests and motivation-based tests as part of enhanced interviews. The Faculty of Medicine already uses the BMAT as part of the selection process.
研究生: Students want to apply taught Master's programmes normally require a First Class or high Upper Second Class UK honours degree, or its foreign equivalent.