International Postgraduate Study Scholarships
International Masters Progression Awards
International Undergraduate Study Scholarships
International Internship
International Extenuating Circumstances Fund

International Postgraduate Study Scholarships
International Masters Progression Awards
International Undergraduate Study Scholarships
International Internship
International Extenuating Circumstances Fund

Established: 2010
The University came into existence through the merger of the two oldest higher education institutions in Wales, the University of Wales, Lampeter (UWL) and Trinity University College (TUC) in 2010. In 2011, it was announced that the University of Wales will also be merged into Trinity Saint David. On 1 August 2013 the University merged with Swansea Metropolitan University. The University is made up of the Faculty of Humanities (primarily based within the Lampeter campus), the Faculty of Education and Training, and the Faculty of Arts and Social Studies (both primarily based within the Carmarthen campus) each providing courses such as theology, religious studies, philosophy, classics, anthropology, archaeology, ancient history, English, history, drama, film studies, business management, IT, education studies and Initial Teacher Education and Training.Undergraduate: NA
Postgraduate: *Please note that entry requirements vary on the course-to-course basis. More information can be obtained from UKuni consultants.