1. Cover letter 的重要性
Cover letter 即以书面表达的形式向对方进行自我简介,它是寻找工作材料中重要的组成部分。几乎所有的公司都要求求职者付上Cover letter。因为未来雇主要从Cover letter 看出你要的职位以及你是否可胜任该职位。记住是简介!
2. 写Cover letter 的关键
写Cover letter的要旨是要显示你的学术背景和研究方向与职位要求相同或类似,因为老板是要你去干活而不是花钱让你来学习的。公司发出招聘信息后,一般会收到众多的求职信。HR可能仅花几秒钟的时间浏览你的简历(CV),Cover letter可告诉他你的技能,才能,经验以及专业背景是否符合要求啰哩啰嗦的,直接被投入粉碎机 。
3. Cover letter 的格式
- 右上角或信未为求职者的地址
- 左上角为未来老板的名字和地址
- 正文
- 求职者签名
I am writing to express my interest in the Sales Manager position advertised on your website. I have enclosed a copy of my resume for your review。
I am writing to express my interest in the Sales Manager position advertised on your website. I have enclosed a copy of my resume for your review.
当你写求职信的时候,你应该总是记得你的任务是-推销自己!陈述你能为雇主所做的,而不是相反,将能让你脱颖而出。使用行为动词例如:〝facilitated〞、〝developed〞和〝managed〞的,来描述你工作的职责,并自信的表示例如:〝I strongly believe I possess the right combination of skills and experience you are looking for〞,令人知道你充满信心。
My background includes serving as a customer service associate within both call-center and retail environments. Most recently, I worked on the customer service desk for XXX, where my responsibilities included handling customer merchandise returns, issuing refunds/store credits, flagging damaged merchandise for shipment back to vendors and providing back-up cashiering during busy periods.
Previously, I worked within two high-volume customer-support call centers for a major telecommunications carrier and a satellite television services provider. In these positions, I demonstrated the ability to resolve a variety of issues and complaints (such as billing disputes, service interruptions or cutoffs, repair technician delays/no-shows and equipment malfunctions). I consistently met my call-volume goals, handling an average of 56 to 60 calls per day.
In addition to this experience, I gained considerable customer service skills during my part-time employment as a waitress and restaurant hostess while in high school.
I also bring to the table strong computer proficiencies in MS Word, MS Excel and CRM database applications and a year of college (business major). Please see the accompanying resume for details of my experience and education.
I am confident that these combined experiences make me an ideal candidate for this position.
I feel confident that given the opportunity, I can make an immediate contribution to Any Corporation. I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss your requirements. I will call your office on Friday, to schedule an appointment. Thank you for your consideration.
Thank you so much for considering my request. I will call you the week of October 10 to see about scheduling the job shadowing. If you need to reach me before that time, please feel free to contact me via phone (XXXX-XXXX-2922) or via email (XXXX@gmail.com).
I have enclosed a CV as well as a brief sample of my writing for your review. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss further how I could contribute to your organization.
The enclosed CV describes my qualifications for the position advertised. I would welcome the opportunity to personally discuss my qualifications with you at your convenience.
I would appreciate the privilege of an interview. I may be reached at the address given above, or by telephone at XXXXXXXX.
- 突出你的三大优势,哪些是别人不具备的?
- 文字自信,格式清楚,内容简介
- 回答如果你是雇主会雇佣你吗?