18 International Student Schoalrships worth £3,000 are available to full-time undergraduate and postgraduates students

18 International Student Schoalrships worth £3,000 are available to full-time undergraduate and postgraduates students
51.44, -0.4

立校时间: 1850
圣玛丽大学学院是一所研究型大学,它位于伦敦西南部特威克纳姆的草莓山。本科: Green Level Course: Minimum of 96 points of which 64 must include at least two C grades including any specific subjects mentioned on the programme pages. Red Level Course: Minimum of 104 points of which 72 must include at least a B and a C grade including any specific subjects mentioned on the course pages. Blue Level Course: Minimum of 112 points of which 80 must include at least two B grades including any specific subjects mentioned on the course pages. Remaining points can be made up of A Level and AS Grades including General Studies.
研究生: Applicants to Masters programmes are normally required to have at least a second class honours degree from a UK university or equivalent qualification and/or professional interests and experience relevant to their chosen course, together with appropriate references. For additional entry requirements specific to individual courses, please see the course webpages. Candidates who do not have a first degree or relevant experience, but who nonetheless are considered to have the potential to successfully undertake Masters level study, may be required to register for an initial module or undertake a level three module to assess their suitability.