Academic Excellence International Scholarships
Vice-Chancellor’s International Scholarships
University of Essex Doctoral Scholarships
Essex MBA Scholarships (TBC)

Academic Excellence International Scholarships
Vice-Chancellor’s International Scholarships
University of Essex Doctoral Scholarships
Essex MBA Scholarships (TBC)
51.88, 0.95
立校时间: 1964
埃塞克斯大学是一所英国公立研究型大学,该校最初也是最大的校区位于英格兰科尔切斯特镇附近。社会科学和人类学是该校的强势学科。本科: Entry requirements vary on the course-to-course basis
研究生: Applicants should have a good Bachelor’s degree from a recognised institution, preferably with at least an upper second class or a very good lower second class degree. Some, but not all, courses require for that first degree to be in a related field. *Please note that entry requirements vary on the course-to-course basis. More information can be obtained from UKuni consultants.