Postgraduate Scholarships
The Beacon Scholarship
LSE Mauritius Scholarship
Singapore LSE Trust Scholarship

Postgraduate Scholarships
The Beacon Scholarship
LSE Mauritius Scholarship
Singapore LSE Trust Scholarship
51.51, -0.12

立校时间: 1895
伦敦政治经济学院不仅以社会科学类学科著称,同时在全英大学排名中也名列前茅。本科: Admission to LSE is highly competitive. In 2012, the school received 17,500 applications for 1,200 undergraduate places.This means that there were approximately 14.6 applicants per place, with UCAS permitting undergraduate applicants to apply to no more than five institutions, making LSE an institution with one of the lowest admissions rate in the world. Most programmes have typical offers of A*A*A-AAA at A level, with new undergraduates in 2013 arriving with an average of 551 UCAS points (equivalent to over AAAA at A level).
研究生: NA
网站: www.lse.ac.uk
电子邮件: https://www.lse.ac.uk/study/undergraduate/secure/UG-Contact-Form.aspx
电话: +44 (0) 20 7955 7125