Cirriculum Vitae is the most influential record of what you are and where you can be. CV should be easy to read. It can be 1 or 2 pages long, depending upon your academic qualifications and work experience.
Clear and Concise: The content of the CV should be compact. You should avoid writing lengthy paragraphs. Only relevant information should be included. No personal details about you or relating to your past should be avoided. You should not necessary discuss redundant details.
Employment History: This is most important section in the CV. You should tailor this section according to job position’s requirement. Potential Employers refer to this section to review employee’s suitability to the job.
Education Qualification: You should write complete name of the institution where you studied. Generally, this section should be relevant to the job position you applied for. You can also discuss your modules, however, keep everything brief.
Hobbies/Interests: You should suitable hobbies in your CV. This additional information will give your employer an insight in your personality. It is important, if you can, describe how this hobby also makes you relevant for this job.
Language: You should enumerate the number of languages you can speak. If you have achieved any significant qualification in studying language as an additional qualification, list the education institute.
Nationality: In UK, it is necessary for employers to know the nationality of their applicants, for their visa processes as per governmental regulations.
Contact Details: You should necessarily include your house address, your email address, you phone number (if you are comfortable).
Picture: You should not include your personal picture on your CV. However, if you are applying in fashion industry, then it’s a must. Make sure you upload a high definition picture.
Achievements: This section should include any award, honour title or scholarship received. This achievement section makes you stand out amongst those other applications. It is necessary that you highlight this section.
Key Skills: This section should be customized according to the requirement of the job position you are applying for. If your experience is relevant to the job, place this section before educational qualifications.
Font and Font Size: You should use a professional font and font size, not too big or small. The text should be left aligned. The document should follow a consistency in customized text throughout the document.
References: You should include relevant references academic or from work. It is important that you include the contact details of the referees after their consent. Alternatively, you can also mention that the references are available on request.
Extra-Curricular Activities: This section is the chance for you to tell your employer about your all-round achievements. This section is also a testimony of your ability to perform multiple tasks at the same time.
It is important that you also customize your CV according to the course and the university you are applying to. For more information about how to write a personal statement, click here. Your key to success lies in simple and informative CV. For more information and to begin your journey of success with UKuni, click here.